Why no EGMs for constructive purposes?
The Bangalore Turf Club members have sought two Extraordinary General Body Meetings in the last two years but both have not been for the purpose of doing something good for the sport. The first EGM resulted in the removal of the then Chairman P V Shetty who members perceived to be hostile to club’s interests and the second was gone through on Monday, to lay fresh guidelines for the Managing Committee and fixed a limit as to how much money they can spend without the consent of the EGM. The EGM was ostensibly called because the Managing Committee was in the process of upgrading the computer system. Some of the members felt that such an upgrade was not needed and the whole process was being pushed through because of the benefits accursing to a few by going through with the deal. The Chairman of the Club Kumaraswamy in the meanwhile had written to the club members that the Managing Committee was dropping its move to upgrade the computer system till the BTC matter in Supreme Court regarding...