CM puts pressure on BTC to sign lease

Chief Minister Yeddyurappa met members of the Managing Committee of the Bangalore Turf Club on Thursday and told them to sign the lease for the land at Chikkajala as a condition for any concessions from the government to the club. The BTC Managing Committee also presented a Cheque for Rs 1 crore towards CM’s Flood Relief Fund.

In the light of the fact that the turf club had not got any appointment with the Chief Minister post the public interest litigation at Supreme Court, Thursday’s meeting was widely expected to solve the impending crisis facing racing in Bangalore following repeated notices by the government to abide by the lease agreement which mandates BTC to vacate its premises on December 31, 2009.

In the meanwhile, BTC filed a writ petition in the High Court against the move to shift them out from the existing premises without an alternative facility in place. The Supreme Court had recently directed the petitioner who had filed his objection against allotment of tank bed land for racing activities, to approach the High Court as this was a matter in one particular State. It would be more appropriate that a Petition be filed before the High Court of Karnataka, after which it may be brought to the Supreme Court if there were any difficulties, the apex court had said. Liberty was specifically given to the Applicant to file a Petition in the High Court, and the Application was disposed off.

The BTC delegation requested the Chief Minister to increase the extent of land that is to be allotted to the turf club. The Chief Minister categorically told the delegates that they should first sign the agreement and he was willing to extend all support. A minimum extension of one year will be given and any further extension would be considered depending on the progress of work at the new land, he told them. The BTC Managing Committee sought time before signing on the dotted line. A special meeting of the Managing Committee has been convened Friday morning to take a call on Chief Minister’s directive.

There is a school of thought in the club which is opposed to the club signing the agreement. Some of them feel that the land being exchanged for the existing land is not comparable and that the lease amount fixed by the government which is Rs 50 lakhs is much higher than what is being paid for the premium land in the heart of the city. Further the turf club has been offered only tax moratorium and no grant for building the new infrastructure which costs in excess of Rs 300 crores. The club has also filed a petition in the High Court that the present land belongs to them, given to them in exchange for the land at Agaram, surrendered to the defense department and that signing the agreement would collapse BTC’s writ as the club would have voluntarily accepted new land and expressed willingness to move there. The argument that the land was a grant would also be lost if the club accepts the status as lessees.

The opinion is divided among the committee itself as some of them feel that the club should sign the lease for the new land and they should accept the Chief Minister’s verbal assurances and not insist on written commitment. The other set want a thorough evaluation of the consequences before signing the lease.


  1. Beloved Sharankumar
    Once again I welcome you with great love and great respect.
    you are the only one who is feeding about the racecourse tussle in detail compared to the other press people.
    thanks for the update
    How can a CM put pressure to sign for the lease
    when the BTC has filed a case against the Govt of karnataka headed by Mr.Yeddyurappa in the high court.

    the reason is that the present land belongs to BTC,
    according to the archeological document
    where is the question of signing the document, if the land belongs to BTC, as long as they conduct racing in that land.
    first this ownership details has to be cleared
    in the court.
    then only further proceedings can be taken
    and above all
    why should a CM who is in office only for 5 yrs
    should press the club which has been existence before the independence of this country.
    we were able to free our selves from the British colonial , not from the rulers(democracy) of this moment.

    it is very strange that the rulers take the citizen of this country as a meek and weak.
    they are
    "by the people for the people and of the people"
    yet the rulers think and behave they have arrived from some where and not from the masses.
    my question to the powers that are at the moment in control
    why this land alone
    why not other lands
    golf club
    and cricket club
    if the present govt is keen of building parks and tallest building.or controlling pollution
    or to do what ever they want

    they should take over other places too.
    which is not getting any income to the govt
    at least the race course land is providing the govt
    the proof is that
    1 crore is given to the govt to tackle the flood affected parts of karnataka
    this money is not of BTC
    or members
    this is provided by the racing public
    racing rail birds
    with out the support of these faceless people
    BTC or any race club can not survive
    and my nagging question is
    why the BTC, which is part and parcel of TURF AUTHORITY OF INDIA
    has not sought assistance
    and also MRC,MADRAS RACE CLUB.
    on whose rules the races at BTC Where once in control
    has not sought the suggestion from the chairman of MRC, Dr.MAM
    and he is also leading owner of this country
    it is really questionable when MRC which fought case the against the govt of Tamilnadu and got a verdict in the supreme court in favor the racing
    as a senior and an experienced person he could have certainly lent his mind to BTC,
    OR TO Dr.vijay Mallya, who is also another big owner.
    i am sure both these giants are Members of BTC.
    it is apparent that the BTC is not listening PROPERLY instead they think, they can tackle the issue alone.
    Dr.MAM and Dr.Vijaya Mallya are not only SUCCESSFUL industrialist AND horse lovers but also Hon M.P's.
    it is high time the powers that control the BTC, at the moment should think and act properly with out any fear or favor with a collective mind,with master mind alliance.
    together we can win.
    yes we can win
    every politician in this country think when it comes to Horse racing, they have a view that they can treat this industry with mere disregard.
    and an honest citizen of this country knows
    that there are many illegal activities that are thriving in this great needs to look around us.
    for example,
    cricket betting , a very huge turnover
    with out any income to the govt
    either central or state
    and political betting
    where odds are offered
    openly, many news papers have published this details
    when ever elections results were to be announced
    there are incidents in this great country the rich and powerful have misused the public funds for their own benefit.and they went Scot free
    the only one who suffers is the loyal citizen of this country who still has faith in Dharma,ethics
    hope the govt attends many important work that are pending for the benefit of the masses.
    the curse of this country is lack of will on the part of the Intelligent people who misses the opportunity to be a part in fighting for a good cause.

    hope they do it aptly

    thanks for sharing and caring sharan


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