Lansbury, key to Sparks' win in Deccan Derby

Ravi Gowande strongly believes that racing is determined by elements like planets, stars et al. Though one may not agree with his analysis or vouch for its accuracy, it is has its place as one of the methods that race goers use to determine their choices. While speed rating is the widely accepted method of identifying a possible winner, there are many in India who belive that winning is also about astrology. Read on what Gowande has to say...

Breeding is like astrology, consider it as science or not but it works. I view Astrology as advanced science in which artistic talent is required for correct forecasting. Foundation of astrology is Astronomy. Planets, stars are physically present in the heaven above; based on their positions in space and time certain interpretations are made. Computers can calculate positions of planets with precision but understanding those positions is an art. Same way breeding of horses is a science as well as art. lot of various theories available Dosage, nick, X factor, genetics etc. Pedigree Star is unique system for Breeding of Horses. It is not a handicapping system for picking out winners. Prediction is made of winners to communicate the advantage of the system. As I had already given sparks can upset in the derby 3 days before the race I am giving Pedigree star analysis of the winner with breeding point of view.

Don Micheletto has been the most underutilized stallion in India. Son of Machiavellian foaled on 23 Jan 1993 was standing at Nakul stud farm. From the dam side Circe’s Isle (GB) 1988 had Precipatation (P) 1933 in critical years (As per Pedigree star system of timeline) in the pedigree, which is from Godolphin Arabian Matchem sire line was Ascot Gold Cup winner at 20 furlong. DM had the potential to produce distance winners. Dosage contribution: 6 – 0 -4 – 0 -0(10) to all his foals.

Critics of Dosage emphasis that only one side of pedigree is considered in the Dosage, even though partially it is true, Dosage is very useful for understanding the distance potential of a horse.
Stallion is only one part.
Lansbury: Broodmare of Sparks was foaled at AB stud on 25 April 1994, By Treasure Leaf out of Lucky Lips. Her Dosage is 5 – 0 -13- 0-2 (20) DI 1.35, CD=0.30 Dosage figures points to distance potential. However her actual race performance is contrary to dosage. She won 3 races upto 1400mtrs. Contribution of dosage to all her foals is
1-0 –6-0-1 (8) Even though she herself could not win at distance races; she had the ability she passed on to her progeny.
Her foal date chart is good Jupiter Trine Saturn, Uranus sextile node.
Synergy rating of 59 % is very good for mating with Don Micheletto. Consideration is given to Stallions. In my opinion broodmare is key to breeding better produce. In the case of Sparks as Lansubury is in the critical years Actual ability of Don Michelletto was transmitted by Lansbury. Genetics research has already confirmed that hereditary traits are transmitted through female side, which confirms the astrology, In India lot Nakshatras (Fixed Stars) like Aslesha, Mula, Jyeshtha etc are considered to propagate hereditary traits. Astrologically it is already confirmed that Male side hereditary traits are passed on by the females of such Nakshatra. What is applicable to humans is also applicable to horses. Fortunately in case of sparks Foal date chart was good, however pedigree was not seem to be active in earlier races. Pedigree of Sparks looks to be very active now. Can improve more. This is a good opportunity for owners with one or two broodmares, racing mares. Winning a derby is no longer a monopoly of big breeders, big high profile owners. At present more than 25 to 30 new good stallions are available in India. By paying covering fees you can get the choice of best mating for your broodmares. I have also given Foal date analysis of Sparks on my website which is more of astrological in nature. Pedigree chart of Sparks is uploaded on


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